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Precision Photochemical Etched Encoder Disks

Organizations have discovered that investing in a photo chemical etching company that produces encoder disks is an economic and efficient way to make these detailed, vital parts that must be engineered with flawless precision. An encoder disk is a key part of an encoder or sensing device used to enable control systems to identify motion, position, speed, direction, or count when chemical etching is initiated. Encoder disks essentially convert motion into electrical signals. They may be integrated with printed circuit boards, optical components, or magnetic devices; therefore, each disk must be precisely engineered, and the best way to produce encoder disks is achieved with photo chemical etching.


Types of Encoder Disks Produced Using Photo Chemical Etching

Encoder disks come in two primary forms, and photo chemical etching is the best way to produce these heavily detailed parts required for the functionality of sensing devices and encoders. These types of encoder disks are as follows:

Rotary Encoder Disks – Photo chemical etching is used to produce rotary encoder disks. These encoder disks sense the angular position or motion of a shaft or axle. The information is converted to analog or digital signals. Each encoder disk features intricate concentric circles (assigned to specific positions) and opaque and transparent segments. An absolute encoder detects the position of a shaft. An incremental encoder indicates shaft motion, which can provide information on speed, position, or distance. If there is a single miniscule flaw in the production of rotary encoder disks, the part won’t work, and due to the high-quality reputation of photo chemical etching, thi production method is the best option for creating rotary encoder disks.

Optical Encoder Disks – Optical encoder disks are another popular type that require photo chemical etching in their manufacturing to ensure a flawless, economic design. Optical encoder disks work with an electromechanical device that sends an electrical output proportional to the input shaft’s angular position. The encoder disk has a series of opaque and clear segments. The transparent slits enable light from infrared diodes to pass through the disk and reach infrared receivers on the other side, creating an analog signal. This is converted into a digital signal, which is then sent to a processor. Photo chemical etching is used to fortify the flawless functioning of light transference by ensuring the opaque and clear segments are perfectly made, along with the other accoutrements critical to the encoder disk’s functionality.

Why Use Photo Chemical Etching for Encoder Disks?

Photo chemical etching is the best way to produce encoder disks because it meets size proportion requirements, can be used on virtually any level of thin metal thickness, it’s better for the metal being worked, and it ensures there are no fragments that could cause obstruction. Photo chemical etching can be used to produce encoder disks with slots as small as 1.2 times the thickness of the material. Openings can be as small as .006” on a .005” thick material. Etching can also create webs as small as 60% of the material thickness. On a .005” thick encoder disk, the webs can be as small as .004” wide.

At United Western Enterprises our photo chemical etching process adds no extra stress to the metal. It only dissolves excess material, allowing the encoder disks to stay as flat as the material with which we started. Photo chemical etching does not create any burrs on parts, so no obstructions are left behind.


What Popular Applications are Encoder Disks Used In?

Photo chemical etching is used to create encoder disks used in a wide range of applications, across multiple industries. Some of the most common ones United Western Enterprises is regularly involved with when it comes to using photo chemical etching for producing encoder disks includes these primary three spaces, along with their wide array of components and devices:

Electronic Equipment: Printers, computer mice, cutting devices, labeling machines, and industrial controls.

Medical Equipment: Surgical robots, radiation systems, lasers, and magnetic resonance imaging.

Military and Aerospace: Radar, aircraft throttle/thrust systems, instrumentation, and more in extreme environments.

Regardless of your industry, our capabilities are endless when it comes to creating encoder disks through the production process of photo chemical etching. Call today to speak with our engineering and design team, and learn how we can produce your encoder disks in a timely manner, within your budget, with flawless results

What Kind of Materials are Used to Make Encoder Disks with Photo Chemical Etching?

Based on the device in which the encoder disk will be used, these products can be made from a number of materials. United Western Enterprises works with organizations that commonly require the use of these materials to make up their encoder disks:

  • Spring steel
  • Stainless steel
  • Most copper alloys including beryllium copper, brass and phosphor bronze

When it comes to producing encoder disks using the photo chemical etching process, United Western Enterprises is known as the national leader in the industry with ample experience in designing the most intricate thin metal parts.

Call United Western Enterprises for Encoder Disks Perfected through Photo Chemical Etching

Our team is standing by to learn more about your project and the type of encoder disks you require to get your products to market. Call today and learn more about the value in using our perfected photo chemical etching process–one that is ideal for the production of encoder disks and that’s used by organizations worldwide.

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