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What Is Photo Etching and Why Is It Beneficial?

September 2023
Photo Chemical Etching for Producing Encoder Disks

In the realm of metal fabrication, technology continually evolves, giving rise to innovative methods that can craft intricate designs with precision. One such revolutionary technique that has changed the face of metal component manufacturing is photo etching. But what exactly is this process, and why is it catching the attention of various industries?

What Is Photo Etching and How Does It Work?

Photo etching, also known as chemical etching or photochemical machining, is a precision metal fabrication method that employs chemicals to cut and shape metal parts. Unlike traditional machining processes, which use force and tools to shape material, photo etching uses light and chemicals.

Here’s how this fascinating process works:

1. Coating the metal sheet with UV-sensitive photoresist

The first step involves cleaning the chosen metal sheet to ensure there are no impurities on its surface. Once cleaned, the sheet is coated with a UV-sensitive photoresist, which is a light-sensitive polymer. This coating acts as a protective barrier in the later stages.

2. Exposing the metal sheet to UV light

After the coating is applied, the metal sheet is exposed to UV light. The light exposure occurs through a photomask—a template that has the desired pattern or design. The areas of the photoresist that are exposed to the UV light undergo a chemical transformation, making them more resistant to the etching chemicals.

3. Developing the exposed metal

In the developing phase, the metal sheet is subjected to a solution that washes away the areas of the photoresist that weren’t exposed to the UV light. This process reveals the intended design or pattern on the metal sheet, with the exposed areas ready to be etched away and the unexposed areas remaining protected.

4. Chemical etching

Now, the metal sheet is immersed in an etching solution. The chemicals in this solution react with the exposed areas of the metal, effectively “cutting” the design into the metal. The previously UV-exposed and hardened photoresist protects the areas that shouldn’t be etched, ensuring precision and accuracy in the design.

5. Stripping off the photoresist

Once the etching process is complete, the remaining photoresist is stripped away, revealing a precisely etched metal component. The piece is then washed and cleaned to ensure no residues remain.

The beauty of photo etching lies in its capacity to produce intricately detailed and delicate designs with impeccable accuracy. It’s a method that has revolutionized the metal fabrication industry, offering a non-mechanical way to achieve consistent and precise results.

Benefits of Photo Etching

Photo etching is not just another method in the repertoire of metal fabrication techniques—it stands out for various compelling reasons. Whether you’re aiming for high precision or looking for a cost-effective solution for intricate designs, photo etching provides a host of benefits:

Precision and Complexity

One of the foremost benefits of photo etching is its unparalleled precision. The process allows for the creation of extremely intricate designs that would be challenging, if not impossible, with traditional machining methods. Features such as small apertures, detailed graphics, and fine geometries can be achieved with ease.


When it comes to prototyping or low-to-medium volume production runs, photo etching can be significantly more cost-effective than other methods. There’s no need for expensive tooling or molds, and design changes can be implemented without incurring extra tooling costs, making it ideal for iterative design processes.

Material Versatility

Photo etching is amenable to a wide variety of metals and alloys. Whether you’re working with stainless steel, copper, titanium, or a special alloy, the process can be fine-tuned to cater to specific material characteristics, ensuring optimal results.

Stress-Free Manufacturing

Many traditional machining methods introduce stresses or deformities into the material, potentially weakening the final product. Since photo etching is a chemical process, it doesn’t exert physical force on the metal, ensuring that the end components remain stress-free and retain their original material properties.


Repeatability is a cornerstone of quality in manufacturing. With photo etching, each piece is identical to the next. When you have a process that relies on controlled chemical reactions and precise light exposure, you achieve a consistency that’s hard to match with mechanical methods.

Moreover, for industries where component uniformity is crucial, such as aerospace or biomedical devices, the high degree of consistency offered by photo etching becomes even more invaluable.

Applications of Photo Etching

Photo etching’s precision and versatility cater to the demands of diverse industries. Here’s how key sectors benefit from this technique:

Aerospace & Military Defense – In sectors where precision is crucial, photo etching delivers. It’s used to craft filters, screens, and instrumentation panels for aerospace, while defense relies on it for communication devices and radar components. The consistency of the etching process ensures components meet rigorous standards.

Automotive – Modern vehicles employ advanced electronics requiring exact components. Photo etching produces parts like encoder discs and electronic connectors, ensuring vehicles run efficiently and safely.

Electronics – As gadgets shrink but grow in power, the need for precise components rises. Photo etching creates connectors, lead frames, and shielding components that fit seamlessly within today’s electronic devices.

Medical – Accuracy and safety are paramount in healthcare. Photo etching crafts surgical instruments, diagnostic probes, and implantable devices, meeting the industry’s stringent requirements.

In short, whether it’s in the skies, on roads, in our hands, or at hospitals, photo etching plays a pivotal role in advancing industries.

Photo Etching From United Western Enterprises

Navigating the nuances of photo etching reveals that the technique’s triumphs hinge heavily on experience, expertise, and dedication to excellence.

Founded in 1969, United Western Enterprises has not only witnessed but actively shaped the evolution of the metal fabrication realm. From our modest inception in Santa Monica to our expansive, cutting-edge facilities in Camarillo, we’ve solidified our reputation across diverse sectors, from aerospace to biomedical and consumer electronics, always delivering with unparalleled precision and quality.

Our mastery in the domain is further accentuated by our credentials as an AS 9100D / ISO 9001:2015 Certified Company. This distinction is not just a testament to our commitment to quality but also a reflection of the trust and reliability we offer to our partners.

For precision, dependability, and a seasoned approach that’s certified at the highest standards, look no further than United Western Enterprises.

Connect with us today, and let’s bring your visions to life with unmatched expertise.

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